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Bible Study Download

It's been quite a while since I've written on this blog! I've been a little bit busy recently, having given birth in June.

But I haven't been idle! (Can you even be idle when you have three kids?!)

Last year, a dear friend created something called Shavua Tov Talks on Instagram. The concept was basically a group of ladies were able to send in questions and answers, and have a platform to talk about the deeper Biblical topics we all longed to discuss. But, as many of us were married, mothers, and keepers of our own homes, it was hard, or downright impossible due to time and distance (thanks to the many thousand miles between most of us!) to have these discussions face to face. I was given the honor of hosting one week, and I chose the topic of Biblical submission.

It was a lot of work, but so rewarding! I dearly loved the talks, it was a great starting point to many deeper Bible studies for me, and I know a great many other women benefitted from them as well. Understandably, the lady who ran them felt called away from the platform, and so Shavua Tov Talks went with her. (They're still archived, on her inactive instagram account if you're ever interested in checking them out. The one I hosted is archived in the highlights of my instagram page as well, under the tab submission.)

From this, I gained some experience in sharing Biblical ideas, and began to do so on my own Instagram. Although I rarely do now, many of the things I've shared have been archived if you're interested in checking it out.

One day, I began to feel it laid on my heart to share more. It's been a part of my heart for many years to share what I'm learning in scripture (hence this blog, and many other blogs before this one), but something has always held me back from the meatier subjects. Maybe it's fear of being judged, maybe it's actually having to defend myself many times when people don't understand, maybe it's just the fact that I'm kind of shy, and sharing things I write sometimes makes me feel vulnerable.

But my mother in law pointed something out to me the other day; God gives us spiritual gifts for a reason. Yeshua (Jesus) told us not to hide our light under a basket, and I have been convicted that perhaps hiding these things laid on my heart out of fear is doing exactly that.

So today, I am sharing part one of a Bible Study I have been writing. It's only part one for now, but as I have time, as the Holy Spirit leads, and as I am able to gather my thoughts, resources, and scripture involved, I will get the next several parts out as well. I hope to be able to minister to other women who long for a deeper study of God's word, beyond the parts that tickle our ears and just make us feel good. Too often are women's Bible studies surface level, too often they focus on just making us feel good, and too often do we leave feeling mildly deflated and like we have no direction when we dig into the Holy Word of our Father.

The subject I have chosen to begin with is a hard one; one that I have shared about many times in the past, and one which has gotten me some concerned texts from friends who think I've lost my mind. I assure you, I am in full possession of all my faculties, and for the first time since being a child, fully ready to defend what I believe and why.

This Bible study is free. In the future, I may ask for small donations as you feel led, but for now I want to share this as God leads. I have shared scriptures, space for writing, and highly encourage you to dig deeper, pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you, and leave me comments on this blog post to discuss with one another! Feel free to share the link with friends and family as well, and print our copies to share!

May God bless you and keep you,

May God make his face shine on you and show you His favor.

May God lift up His face toward you, and give you peace.

-Number 6:24-26

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